29 Faces

Friday, October 21, 2016

We're gonna need a Bigger bandaid!

It is that magical time of the year when the terribly WICKED Magaly Guerrero hosts 'Witches in Fiction' A Blog Celebration with no dress code, no height restrictions, everyone is welcome, just leave your prejudices at the door and join the think tank for... 'Spelling Healing into a Rotting World'

This theme had me stumped, for many reasons... The world is & continuing to be F-ed over, corruption sees our poorest go hungry and food trashed to keep it's value, greed sees the sickest go without medicine, profit margins bloat the wealthiest, funnelling millions into offshore accounts, while merely living has others in debt above their heads, education is doled out to those with means who can pay regardless of talent or intelligence, corporations destroying the future, the environment, climate, soil, food, air for our children... this rotting world is in need of healing, BIG TIME.

I believe the solutions are still within our reach.

After much thought on this mega frustrating puzzle, I think the answers are there but interpretation, like some exotic language, not quite grasped, implementation of the solution is still being s l o w l y interpreted,

 I know 1 thing... WE CAN CHANGE THINGS, we can heal this rotting world, 1 good deed (maybe 2), 1 good word (maybe 3), 1 smile (4), 1 simple statement (nah, more), 1 protest against lies in the government whose politicians wages we pay (F no, shout out against that crap), holding the media to account for journalism being no more than paid infomercials, having the strength to say, no more, this is shit, we can be better than this... let's start a 'healing' epidemic, get your First Aid Kit, and plaster over the weeping sores that are festering in society and say the change is here, because each small action multiplied by many, is powerful, and is a great start to heal this rotting world.

My babe Memphis did not blog but wanted to join in & wrote/illustrated her response to Magaly's call, I love the response...

So I am off to bed and will come see you all over the weekend, remember a kind word, a hug, to just give a shit about each other and the future of our planet is a great place to start, give of yourself, costs nothing, is priceless and may just make the world a better place ;)

Uggh I almost forgot to say, go enter (please please) for a chance to win some totally desirable creations (including the painting ''Healing", Moleskin noteboook & pocket brush pen from me), and other delights from the beautiful healing warriors who have sponsored this WIF 2016 blog celebration... that's all, avagoodone & hugs to all from Oz xox


  1. Healing Warriors, I love it! My concept was a lot like yours but with few words.Rock on sister, lets continue this revolution. Have an awe inspiring weekend.

  2. Oh you sweeter than sweet darling. I love your raw honesty, your call for action, your caring heart. Ms. Memphis added a truly remarkable bit to the cause as well. As we say here, nut doesn't fall far from the tree. That is a true blessing. Thanks for your loves, your hopes, you vigor and your caring. It is and so mote it be, xoxo Oma Linda

  3. You've created memorable images for Healing Warriors to carry in their hearts like a banner, as they go off to spread good. :)

  4. Also...it's wonderful you are doing your part with raising children who care about healing the world. Memphis's art and words fill me with hope that our kids can improve on the things we've built.

  5. I hear you from here! Fight Aron! creative hearts! Your household is truly talented indeed! Your Art replaces words so well! xo

  6. Have I told you that I love you? Because I do. I love your heart because it shouts needed outrage and art into the world, because it feels the ugly and the wonderful, because it understands the world's need for the spreading of truths. I, too, believe we can do this, if we work together. If we care for my than our own blood and skin. You do. And I love you for that. ♥

    You tell dearest Memphis, that I'm so happy she shared her wisdom with us. I'm right with her--today is in our hands, and tomorrow is ahead... but we can certainly touch it! I'm smiling like an idiot--a very happy idiot, of course--thinking that if Big F and your wonder dog had made something for the party, your entire household would have been participant. :-D

    Almost forgot to share my thoughts about your painting. My goodness, Shelle, the look in her eyes... There are enough emotions in there to fill the biggest of hearts... and to make it spill.

  7. I am so overwhelmed with emotion right now.. this is beautiful and heart warming in every aspect of the word! xo ❤️

  8. Thank you for these thoughts and this art!

  9. Well-said! I love your contribution and your artwork in general!!! Blessings <3

  10. Oh, dear Shelle! Your words resolute, add much to the needed bandaid. The world is rot, and sometimes it feels good to purge in order to heal. Thank you for your heartfelt contribution and healing through your artwork. And your daughter's contribution...simply heart-warming.

    And a love-filled birthday too, Healing Warrior.😊

  11. Your post has got me playing an old song in my head: "What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone!"
    Love your paintings for WiF, beautiful as always.

  12. You are such a love warrior! Thank you for raising aware children. Thank you for your art that opens my heart, makes me laugh, makes me wonder!

  13. I love that you always just tell it like it is...no BS in your tent :D...and on your Birthday too! Tell Mem her piece is brilliant! Such sage words from one so young can only bode well for the future :D XXX

  14. I completely agree with everything you said, Shelle!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

    Your artwork is stunning! And I love the piece that Memphis created too! She is hope for the future!! And the kindness and integrity of my son gives me hope too!

  15. LOVE this post, especially the title! Hope you had a magical birthday! ♥

  16. Love your post Shelle!!! Love your art and Love Memphis's art and her words too!!! Happy Birthday! Keep being you! You are special and so is your family!!! Big Hugs!

  17. Hi Shelle! Great post. When I saw the title it was hard to not open yours up first but then I would have been lost going down the line of posts. Just the first paragraph caught me chuckling too! Your suggestions are perfect. Just think if everyone on this..Earth...would do just one, what changes might come about. And btw, I love the artwork you did for Magaly's WIF and also the painting on your post. Big hugs, Rasz


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