Saturday, January 28, 2012

Postcards, Paint Party Friday & The Butterfly Effect... how much can a Koala bear?

I really did mean to do separate posts, but as it's already Saturday in Australia, I thought frag it, I'll just chuck it all in & wham bam, dog's breakfast... here it is...
Paint Party Friday dudes, this is what's been on my desk & I'll check out what's on your's starting with my hosts the ever welcoming KristinEva...
First of my Butterfly Effect entry based on this weeks theme... OPPOSITES, lot's of stunningly creative & funky dudes are starting to embrace this quirky little group led by Amy & NatashaMay if you want, truthfully there's no special dress code, join in...
My entry... Angel Devil, Red Blue... Horns Halo, it's a 5x7 inch acrylic... that last bit's so boring you probably didn't even need to know it... but I'll leave it for anyone that truly needed to know the size... or if it is acrylic or oil...
OK, Postcard(s) yep got this feeling I may end up posting 2 a fortnight rather than 1 a week... Why?? Well I guess that's one of life's mysteries...
Darcy (great name don't ya reckon) is running the 2012 Postcard Challenge you can join in any time this year & do as little or as much correspondence between your fictional characters as you like... check out the other entries at the link above or on my side bar ;)
Postcard from Brazil from Gloria... followed by postcard right back to her from Sr Madison Angel at the moment in China...
Gloria & Sr Madison probably never would have had anything to do with one another outside of Gloria tracking down Sr Mad's after finding her prayerbook at the train station in Austria, yet here they are... 

Sr Madison Angel's handwriting is a little hard to read - this is what it says...
Dearest Gloria, 
It made my week receiving your postcard & knowing you are keeping my prayer book safely on your person while on your treks. 
I am now in China and befriended a couple who lost their sweet infant in the milk scandal of 2008. A tragic case where greed & quest for larger profit margins saw toxic melamine added to milk to make it look whiter & thicker as it had been watered down at each production stage...  almost 300,000 children fell ill in China from drinking this poison, the company trusted & exported worldwide had an official seal of approval! Parents unknowingly poisoned their young - dairy products, baby formula, innocents died and all in the name of profit... The couple I speak of actively promote awareness of food safety, hoping nothing like this will happen again, posters, brochures & postcards (such as this) are their main form of educating the public. They also told me how their country’s exported garlic, a food used for it's health properties, is bleached in formaldehyde to make it white, ‘perfect’ for export sales with no knowledge to the end consumer, the exporters are still peddling poison. 
It's not just China, banks the world over, huge soulless companies are in every nation, the human exists now as fodder to make dividends for those who’s god is cash... ahh, so sorry dear Gloria... the night is late and I am old.  Be safe my friend!  Sr Madison

Oh yeah, Australia Day was 26th Jan, it's been wet, bucketloads of liquid sunshine, our local markets, parade & fireworks were washed out, yep & it's still raining... but what the hell... Happy Belated Aussie Day to All ;)


Netty said...

Oh wow you have been busy and they are all fabulous. Happy PPF, x

Anonymous said...

I agree , busy and what great work!! beautiful, sorry about the rain, happy belated Aussie day!

Pam Hardy said...

Love your angel / devil. Beautiful!
Cool postcards too!

Gloria said...

Amazing work and your postcards are funny and the nun's msg is very forthright- too bad the damage is done and keeps increasing; I'd wondered why garlic all of a sudden was looking bright white, thanks for that info, too.

Ayala Art said...

LOVE your devil and angel painting! What a great post Shelle, and how sad that about the milk... and so true :o(
Send us some rain, we need it over here! (Not too much please)
PS Happy belated Aussie day!

San @ Made in Hem said...

The Brasil-card is so bright and full of fun! What a contrast with your China card... Glad you spoke up because I almost forgot about it! I'm one of those people who nurse up to 2 years of age and I promote that to who-ever will listen... :) We can't save those children but maybe just one in the future!

Jen said...

Your art work is amazing. Love the Brazil card especially. Thanks for the reminder of what goes on I for one know then let it slide from my consciousnesses.
Jen x

Lulabelle said...

Love your postcards! And for the facts that we forget about in our busy lives.

Alison xx said...

Belated Happy Australia Day. Your cards are amazing, so much work. A xx

debbi taylor said...

great cards - and loving the story x

Karen Isaacson said...

holy-moly that's some gorgeous work! I got as far as week one in the post card challenge and haven't managed another. I haven't quite given up on the story yet - I may do a few yet. I'm swooning over your carmen miranda.

Mary C. Nasser said...

Very prolific!
Great bright colors!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

APG Jamie said...

fun cards! and the work with the time your have after all it's supposed to be fun

Lorilee Guenter said...

Your cards are vivid and so full of information.

Unknown said...

Love your opposites!! :)
And your postcards are fabulous!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Happy Belated Aussie Day! Sorry the festivities were rained out.

I love your opposites interpretation--Sweet & sinister all at the same time!

manomij said...

What an amazing load of paintings and everyone is gorgous. Yes those poor babies I remember that bit of news so well. It was awful

carlarey said...

You got to the Opposite theme early; the characters from your postcard swap are do wonderfully opposite, one flighty and out for a good time, the other concerned with the problems of the world. Great postcards, and Opposite painting, and you even manage to educate us a little too.

EVA said...

Great Opposites! And Postcards - especially love the colours of Brazil.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Totally love the opposites. :) It's a classic, the angel and the devil. :) So cute!

And great postcards, too. Love the brazil one! And the one from china is so sad but educational. Love it! I haven't posted my china postcard yet. Will do so in a couple of hours. :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

The opposites are so fun! I'm thinking of doing 29 faces, too.

Darcy Marshall said...

wow stunning Brazil card, really gorgeous. I love the messages they are sending. The milk scandal was so sad, even sadder that these things are forgotten all too quickly. Well done for adding something so important into your artwork.

Thankyou for the lovely mention, I love my name too. x

carol l mckenna said...

Excellent creations ~ colorful, creative ~ and love your artstyle ~namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

Magic Love Crow said...

My friend, I first have to tell you again, your blog is so pretty! Love it!!! You know I love your angel and devil painting ;o) The first postcard from Brazil, I was laughing with the Brazilion nuts and wax job! LOL! The China one, so sad, but so true!! I hope the rain has stopped! Happy Belated Aussie Day ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

Gina said...

Wow that was a doozy of a post!! All your artwork is superb!! Was really confused by the baby bottle marked poison til I read the back...could've cried!!
As for Gloria....isshe related to Mick Dundee :) she certsinly seems to have his sense of humour lol :D XXX

WrightStuff said...

Gosh you are taking us on a worldwide journey of contrasts! Your art is incredible - the picture of Carmen is particularly lush... Makes me feel like dancing...

SHERI COOK said...

Wonderful works this week.
You have been most productive.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

Christine said...

beautiful art this week!

faye said...

Love your post this week. Interesting saga going on. Sure hope that's fiction. The colors on your lovely paintings are bright and beautiful.

JKW said...

Happy Aussie Day (I know that it's late, but wanted you to know it anyway). Love knowing the size of the paintings, thank you. What a great idea, devil and angel. . . Red and 'blue' instead of white, ummm, interesting. Thanks for the visit. Blessings, Janet PPF

Renee! said...

Fabulous! I love the lips on your Opposites piece!!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog... I just followed yours and would love it if you'd follow mine too!
Can't wait to see what your up to next!
PPF love,

Janet said...

Outstanding cards! Great Brazil theme too.

Janet xx

serendipity said...

Stunning cards - I love the vibrancy of the first, and the stark contrast with the 2nd. The two characters are great too, love the polemic from Sr Madison, very thought provoking.J

Magaly Guerrero said...

Sometimes it pays to mix things up. I like your gumbo, luv.

And I can't stop staring at your colorful Brazilian beauty. She makes me want to dance!

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelle, this is amazing work. Your opposites are adorable really. That little devil certainly looks like she may be up to something and the little angel knows it. ;-)

I love the postcards! Your Brazilian woman is gorgeous and full of life and I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of them. So creatively executed, my lovely friend.

Happy belated Australian Day! Hugs to you!

PiaRom said...

I love the brazil card, it bring the sunshine to me :-))) the angel and devil paint is great, but they look as if they where from the same family ;-)

Cameron said...

Wow, you have been busy :)
Love your opposites entry!

Unknown said...

The week sure did fly by. Lot's of rainy days indoors, I hope you did not get flooded.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the lovely comment about my portrait, made my day:)

I look forward to watching your 29 Faces if you play along.

Happy PPF and here's to a productive and creative week.

Debbie said...

'Love the Brazil card, and your amusing story lines!

orchid0324 said...

Hello, Dearest Shelle.
What a sweet and happy face she has in your "the Brazil card"!!!
Sure must be a lot of work to put into it.
Thank you for the sweet comments from you and your daughter, means a lot to me!!!
Love and Lots of Hugs to you form east, xoxo Miyako*

Virtual Boy said...

Love your angel and devil, their skintones are amazing~
Also love the new look of your blog! ^-^

// -T.W-

gottahavemoxie said...

Love your postcards! Your Brazil one is quite stunning.

Geckostone said...

Horns Halo is fantastic Shelle, and I love the postcards, way cool stuff ( too bad Sr Madison's message is so true,ugh!)

Gina said...

Couldn't find anywhere to comment on 29 faces page :S
Your little joey is AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!! :D XXX

Geri said...

I couldn't find anywhere to comment on the 29th Faces page either. Love your first face - so sweet!

Unknown said...

There's no way of leaving a comment in your 29 faces page, so I'm leaving it here. Fabulous!! :))

Melisa said...

I wanted to comment on your 29 faces post but there is no comment link. I think it's because you have it as a page and not a post. Anyway, I think she's an adorable little joey with those kanga ears.

Judah is a.... said...

Wandered over here via Amy's blog, and glad I stuff! Will be adding you to my read list!

DVArtist said...

ohhh busy girl. Love the good and bad girls. Very nice art.