Friday, December 14, 2018

Doing It Alone Is Quite Yummy, But… better with 'Ms Wicked' & Friends

WEEK 1... ‘Girl’Story’

I am working my way through some old Christmas Annuals...
Actually I'm destroying them (yikes now I see it for what it is)... I loved the 'rebirth', the juxtaposition of past ideals with new makeovers, of girly pursuits & dreams with nightmares & reality, of frilly clothes & naked, time past & time present... Of course loved that in each eagerly awaited annual Santa left I glimpsed what little boys & girls should be, I devoured stories of ponies & swordfights & colouring in pages & CRAFTS... really who knew you could do so much with toilet rolls and glitter?? Now... well now there is still something magic when I hold an annual in my hands... and just before I rip the cover from the spine and paint on it...

Anywho... joining in because... because life still needs magic in it, but sometimes it's hard to find alone... thank you Magaly xox


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love your reimaging of that Annual cover! Girls to women, we've all been on that road.

I don't imagine they publish Annuals anymore. They were part of simpler times. I don't think kids today could be beguiled by their magic like older generations were.

Magaly Guerrero said...

My beloved Shelle, I can't stop grinning at this. I love fusion, yesterday being reworked into a now that leaps into tomorrow. My favorite part, you ask? Her girl's glorious smile, the determined expression of the woman, the fact that they are one. And yes, the background, too... all that light!

Doing it with you ROCKS!

Rommy said...

That artwork practically roars! I love the expressions on both the cover art you re-purposed and the figure you drew. They practically are daring people to get in their way.

Reba said...

I love it Shelle! This yells JOY and FREEDOM at me. What a unique and beautiful piece!

Tanza Erlambang - Every Day Issues said...

lovely imaging.
have a great day

Magic Love Crow said...

Shelle, so good to see you creating again! I love how you created this image! She is beautiful and powerful!
(My friend, thank you so much for coming by my blog. To be honest, I was thinking maybe I had done something to upset you? I hadn't heard from you in such a long time! You made my Christmas! Sending you and the family BIG HUGS and MUCH LOVE!!! Merry Christmas!)

Charles Cooks said...

I enjoy how this blog post highlights finding a sense of wonder even amidst the mundane.