My post is part of the "Butterfly Effect"... & this week's theme is 'Favourite Things" & if you post a themed work YOU MAY END UP WINNING AN ORIGINAL PIECE OF ART BY NATASA-MAY!!! Sorry for shouting but you still have a wee bit of time to enter so thought I'd give you the head's up :) Oh & was part of the post was talking Q & A style about fav things, so if you want to join in the fun please feel free to copy & paste Questions & write in your own response...
1.What is your favorite flower to bring to your enemy’s grave?
Answer: Well, I think it would hypocritical to visit, unless I was just checking they really were dead... If I took flowers, they'd be poppies but I would put them on another unkempt grave & say a prayer for that stranger.
2.What is your favorite bird to dress up as if you were in a parade?
Black cockatoo or Rainbow Loriket, they gorgeous & LOUD, so I'm halfway there ;) unfortunately it's the LOUD half I have mastered.
3.What is your favorite pet quality you’d like to own?
4.Which one of your favorite celebrities would you marry if you could?
Soft spot for Keanu & Viggo Mortensen but the bloke I already have would be pissed.
5.What is your favorite food to order when your in-laws are paying for the meal?
They never pay :(
6.What is your favorite drink to accidentally spill on a person you like?
Something I'd like to suck off... can't see me wasting a bevvy like that though.
7.What is your favorite destination to vacation and/or live if you won a million dollars?
Exactly where I am but with a pool & buying out the neighbours because they are so freaking annoying with that leaf blower EVERY DAY, UGGH! Oh & I'd be hiring a cleaner & getting a tumble dryer, & a washing machine that works through an entire cycle before breaking down... & maybe a spa with that pool too... & blow up float with a drink holder ;)
8.What is your favorite color to wear to your best friend’s wedding?
Black... lucky I don't have any friends... getting married that is ;)
9.What is your favorite book or/and book character you’d take with you on a lonely island?
I'd borrow a Kindle & take a heap... I can't choose a fav book, it's like choosing a fav child LOL... I maybe would take Oscar Wilde if I went classic... Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett characters rock too, OMG - Heathcliff, man I forgot about him.. so NO... not choosing :)
OMG I realised I forgot about John Wyndham & Phillip K Dick, NOT choosing, gotta move on...
10.What is your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Don't sing in the shower but known to hum the theme from Brazil if happy, or a random show tune, Bon Jovi, or any tragic 80's piece, if I sing I never remember the words and the family moan, so I sing alone... (except at Christmas) alas humming is the best I can do.
OK today is also Paint Party Friday (thanks to Eva & Kristin) & Day 8 of 29 Faces (thanks to Ayala Art) & so I freakin chucked 'em all in the blender & Came up with... one of my fav things of all time was 'Blade Runner'... then it was "Blade Runner - the Directors Cut"... & my PPF & Face tied in with the 'fav things' theme...
Day 8 - Pris (from Blade Runner)... Thanks for dropping by... I'll stalk you all this weekend... stay inspired :)
Reminds me of a line from an Arcadia song (80s angst - you'll love it!) - She's moody and grey, she's mean and she's restless...
Superb piece of art and a delightful insight into your favourite thinking!!
I so adore the eyes you paint. :) They are always so soulful. The face is awesome! And thanks for playing along with us. :) Loved reading your answers. This is the second time I read that the in-laws don't pay for lunch. What's up with that?! :))
Scary and so beautiful! Especially the eyes.
Fabulous Shelle... loved reading your answers... and of course you would want to stay where you are... you live in such a glorious place... love your painting... and yes the eyes have it... wonderful...
Have an awesome weekend...
Jenny x
Beautiful! It's got a David Bowie feel to it.
Love the painting- the textures under the wonderful shading. Had a blast reading the answers to all the questions.
Loved reading your answers and thanks for reminding me of this week's challenge!
Incredible job on Pris!!!
Oh Shelle, pmsl at your quiz answers...can I come live with you when you get your million...we could annoy your neighbours together by singing half remembered lyrics REALLY LOUD hahaha :D
Will be dragging hubby over to show him Pris...Blade runner is his all time fav too(and I don't think he fancies Rutger???) :D XXX
Shelle, something you would like to suck off??? LOL! I am not going to even comment! LOL!
I LOVE Blade Runner! Your painting is amazing!!
Have a great weekend my friend ;o) Hugs ;o)
Wauuuu!!!!!! impressive look, great. Saludos
Powerful painting ~ namaste, Carol ~ Happy PPF ^_^
captivating piece!
A really interesting, moody piece. The face is fabulous!
Quite arresting piece....the eyes are truly captivating. Beautiful work!
Love the painting and really enjoyed your Q&A!
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook
Beautiful eyes. I love the depth you get to your faces.
wow, your portrait is intense, awesome depth and color choices.
Omigosh! Your Q & As made me smile! Your painting is amazing Shelle! The eyes are so striking & I love the tile letters! Have a beautiful weekend!
My mouth is always open when I leave here....firstly because you crack me up! Secondly, beause your art blows me away and I'm!
Fun stuff, Shelle...always enjoy my visits!
delightful interview. lucky that I have my in-laws always pay the meal.
Your painting scared the crap out of me - in a good way. :-) Found you via PPF... i'm a follower! Love your stuff... xoxo
I got stuck on the bit about bringing flowers to an enemy's grave--what a concept. I wouldn't visit at all. I don't have many enemies, actually I'm pretty sure I don't have any enemies, but it I did, I doubt I would start liking them just because they are no longer breathing.
And talking about getting stuck on something, lately, I can't stop looking at the eyes of the faces you've painted. They are deep...
Wow, awesome painting Shelle, can't stop staring at the eyes!!!Your Q&A cracked me up,the perfect accompaniment to my Corona!The weekend is upon us, yahooooooo!
Great stuff, I enjoyed all your answers :) Your artwork is FABULOUS, first class!!! Keep it up!
Wow, this is quite a haunting face - those eyes are fantastic! Great work.
Amazing eyes!!! She's so beautiful!
Have to agree with the person who said there's a bit of bowie in this. Love the letters as well, and the hint of an eye by them. Good translation of the film in that it reminds me of the breakdown of the photo scene and the origami. They eyes are great too. They are set off by the black and white (its expression of luminosity).
I LOVE your Pris- and thanks for reminding me of Blade Runner, it was one of my favorites for years!
Happy Paint Party Friday (a day late;))
JUST watched Bladerunner last night, twice!
Great art! I love how you painted her, interesting work to look at.
Wonderful submission!
Very inspiring! Your faces are all so different, different styles and different materials , does what type of paint you are using give you the different idea for a different style?
Fantastic painting of Pris! You really captured her perfectly.
Shelle your work is amazing and I love your answers to the quiz!!
Hi Shelle, getting to know you more. You are funny and interesting! And your art blows me away! Patsy from
AAhhhh Blade Runner, one of my all time favorite Sci Fi movies.
Great art.
blade runner! yes! happy PPF!
Oi Shelle, you had me chuckling all the way, and what a contrast after laughing, then comes this haunting image....
This. Is. Awesome! I loved Blade Runner. You've done a fantastic job with Pris. :-)
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