Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do your best :)

This is my link for "The Butterfly Effect" - THIS WEEK'S THEME... (queue elevator muzak)... door opening...
Da Da DAAAAAAAAAA... A "quote" or "poem"
So I finally (rather than regret a week later & miss out on partaking of this fun event) have created  a canvas to post. Before I forget, I would be totally rude not to mention Amy & NatashaMay host this little shindig and would be thrilled if you join in or just go check it out.

"Do your best - that's all you can do"
Desk is messy huh? You should have seen what I cropped out ;)

This quote to live your life by, was passed on from generation to generation in my family... right back from when we emerged from the cave, it's simple, effective... & I still use it daily (well annually) - Family motto, we were never pushed, just always encouraged, to honestly, just, do our best...

There was another quote... "You have a  guernsey - wear it" (It meant you're part of the team, put in an effort, it was usually used when help was needed cleaning the house, packing for a family picnic or when pets needed fed)... I use it now, although I suspect like me as a youth, my girls have no idea what a ' guernsey' is, & pretty sure they rather bunker down with a book or gaming device if it means washing the dishes or the dog... so I say it, & they look at me like I've lost my sanity, maybe so, but the quote stands...
   The babes who I constantly harang with wise & generational quotes :)

One more...
"Dare the dream" quote by St Teresa of Avila, you know even if your not religious, this babe was pretty amazing, I like the way her simple 3 words are so empowering, and it's something I want my girls to do... "Dare the Dream", follow their passion, do their best... the guernsey, ah what the heck, I'm not sure if they're team players anyway, freaking little headstrong individuals, totally marching to the beat of whatever instrument is on their Ipod, I love them dearly (hence my accompanying painting based on a photo I took a few years back) & wish I had more than some lame quotes to throw at them to help them achieve or even decide what dream they wish to follow... all I know is they will do their best... it's what they do.


Unknown said...

where you been, my sister?

i'm glad to see you again.. i was thinking about you today - which is a totally creepy random coincidence... i'm still trying, unsuccessfully, to copy some of your art... which i so admire.
the art on this post is no exception... sooper dooper stuffs.


Sunshineshelle said...

Thanks Amy :) Been away about 5 weeks & had VERY limited everything, too little free time, too freakin much tense in-law time, enough to turn any grape into a sultana, I kid you not, I'm back, I'm painting, & I'm thinking of moving to an uncharted island with my nearest & dearest, my suitcase packed with paints, & of course my Mac in tow & (somehow) internet connection... I've missed you too & yes it is creepy you were thinking of me ;)

Anonymous said...


Magaly Guerrero said...

What mess? Who can look at anything else when those beautiful gazes hold their attention?

They are adorable, but you already know that. And what makes things better is that they are amazing in and out.

I love the background, too. and I won't say a thing about the daisies. Okay, I will, I was cooing for a quite a while ;-)

Cameron said...

You're so brave ( and talented! )to paint a portrait of your babes!

It is an amazing likeness of the two of them :)

Great quotes, too....we all wish that our kids do the best they can....and achieve those dreams....whatever they may be :D

Leovi said...

Beautiful and sweet portraits, lovely, I like colors.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Aren't they adorable!! And they're lucky they have a mother to quote when they grow up. :)

What Remains Now said...

Very striking. You paint "eyes" beautifully.

Anonymous said...

So beautifully painted, Shelle. I love how their eyes are so wide and innocent...they seem to look right at me.
Keep up those quotes...they will learn from them~~~

Gina said...

This is gorgeous Shelle! And your girls will be repeating those handed down words of wise encouragement to their own kids...cos they are very wise words indeed :D XXX

Magic Love Crow said...

Shelle, this is a beautiful post! So well said my friend! The painting is so sweet and you are such a good mom! Big Hugs ;o)

Nordljus said...

Great quotes, and I like the "quote tradition" in your family! The painting is absolutely adorable, and such beautiful blue eyes!

IrelandBrady said...

Oh ... this is a wonderful little painting! I love it!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I've been a little under the radar this week--but I did see this gorgeous painting on FB. Awesome words to live by, too!

PiaRom said...

ooohhh I like your lovely quotes, especially the one with the pullover ;-) your two cuties are turned out so beauticios. I like it and you have a new follower

Carol said...

Love it!!! They are such beauties and you captured it well!!!

Gloria said...

Your paintings and postcards are terrific. Glad you're back in the land of the somewhat calm...? Dare the dream, great quote, too.

MangaMem said...

Nice picture Mum (although I told you that when I first saw it)! If you want quotes to use/lecture us about, I borrowed out a proverbs book from the library. I don't think it's overdue yet...

angelself said...

Great quotes and sweet little portrait, Shelle =) Good to see you back in blogland! I haven't posted much lately either, so here's my quote..."Catch as catch can" lol!!

As far as the younger generation goes, I think they are team players...its just on a whole different level ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelle, your babes are so beautiful and your painting is remarkable. Your generational quotes are true and stand against all time. They will never wear out. You may think they fall upon deaf ears but I guarantee you that every word is absorbed to be later remembered and then passed to their own babes. Besides, just seeing your amazing example is a beautiful lesson in itself.

I love St Teresa of Avila and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. In fact, I will share a secret with you...as you know I am a pagan, but I have always had a fond admiration and awe for nuns.

Thank you so much for your lovely comments and well wishes. Hugs to you my treasured friend.

Pam Hardy said...

What a beautiful portrait of your girls. How special!

Anonymous said...

I tagged you but if you don't want to participate, just pretend you never got this part of my comment. ;-)


WrightStuff said...

What an incredible painting! Love it to bits (well not literally!!).

orchid0324 said...

OMG, Dear Shelle.
Wow, your angels are SO beautiful and what a GORGEOUS painting♡♡♡
And I LOVE your new backgroud and header A LOT!!!
How bright and cheerful. I wonder when you have changed it. So sorry I haven't noticed it.
I like the quote "You have a guernsey - wear it".
And blessing to Memphis who loves Japan.

Love and Lots of Hugs to you, xoxo Miyako*

Geckostone said...

Yipeeeee, Shelle's back!!! Just happened by and saw your beautiful portrait of your babes!!!Dare the Dream, yeah, I LOVE that!!! I think I'll try the guernsey one on the girls at work,lol!Hugs, Deb

Jenny said...

Totally stunning Shelle... so loving your gorgeous painting... and the quotes... and when it comes down to it... our best is all any of us can do...

Jenny x

Carolyn Dube said...

Fabulous painting! And I like to think a messy desk is a desk full of used art supplies which means art is happening. I have to rationalize the mess on my desk...