Thursday, February 2, 2012

29 faces: Day 1

Feb 1 Face 1
OK It's late it's almost midnight but STILL Feb 1... Day 1 in 29 Faces in 29 days Challenge hosted by the wonderful Ayala Art... Well, I ended up painting a face on a small canvas (took me ages to make up my mind what surface UGGH) but the ears on the face (I told you it was late) well just weren't working out, so they sorta grew & my face evolved... the Face 1 is cropped (a little ear surgery), the full shot is... well face with ears & yes they are kangaroo... OK, well I'll see if I calm down a bit tomorrow (yes I was a little jumpy today) ;)

Thank You guys for leaving a comment & letting me know I had a problem with feedback ;) I think it's fixed with the help of MangaMem who is also taking part in 29 Faces! Anyway I copied & pasted comments below - (I really didn't just do my own comments he he... have a sunny day... & get drawing :)


Sunshineshelle said...

Melisa has left a new comment on your post "Postcards, Paint Party Friday & The Butterfly Effe...":

I wanted to comment on your 29 faces post but there is no comment link. I think it's because you have it as a page and not a post. Anyway, I think she's an adorable little joey with those kanga ears.

Sunshineshelle said...

Geri Centonze has left a new comment on your post "Postcards, Paint Party Friday & The Butterfly Effe...":

I couldn't find anywhere to comment on the 29th Faces page either. Love your first face - so sweet!

Sunshineshelle said...

Gina has left a new comment on your post "Postcards, Paint Party Friday & The Butterfly Effe...":

Couldn't find anywhere to comment on 29 faces page :S
Your little joey is AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!! :D XXX

Sunshineshelle said...

laurie has left a new comment on your post "29 Faces":

well I think its wonderful, how cool is this, beautiful!!!
Kangaroo, jumpy,, I get it,,,

Cherie said...

Ohhh, so pretty! Love this! Love big eyes!

Best and Blessings,

Magic Love Crow said...

Shelle, this is too cute!!! I love this Kangaroo!!! You are so talented!! Big Hugs ;o)

Catherine Denton said...

This is beautifully unique. Love it!
Catherine Denton

Unknown said...

Captivating and clever. Coming over from Ayala's 29 Faces. What a fun challenge hey?

Gloria said...

Glad you got it fixed for comments. She is really something sweet, there's a story in her; so cute.

Fallingladies said...

So cute and unexpected!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Shelle,
Oh, interesting project, isn't it♡♡♡ And kangaroo is a wonderful start, I think♬♬♬
Blessing to you, xoxo Miyako*

Pam Hardy said...

Turned out beautiful Shelle!

angelself said...

Oh, I love her Shelle. So original and so pretty...very nice start to the challenge =) Kathryn

EVA said...

Absolutely charming! Love her!

Satina said...

Oh, she's charming! Love the ears, natch. ;) I 'choked' on my painting, too. She used to have a hand...and now I know how well my new paint 'erases'. LOL!

Unknown said...

I do love your painting! She is so cute and I like her ears too.Great work!!

Laura Holman said...

Love this! Very cool!

Unknown said...

Wow! I love the ears...just love your creativity!


Cameron said...

Lovely twist....heehee....those eyes are just gorgeous, too!

Unknown said...

Wow, beautiful work!

Kaili Williams said...

Wow, she is so cute! I love those big blue eyes. Gorgeous texture too. :)

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Amazing work Shelle!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I looked at her for a long time. She looks like she is hiding something... or maybe she is just holding back a giggle... she looks lovely.

IrelandBrady said...

What a wonderful imagination you have Shelle! Your Kangaroo Girl is delightful!

Lizzy Love said...

I love this, I think everything happens for a reason and that cutie patootie kangaroo is your reason for the little troubles you were having because he is extra extra cute!!!!! Very well done and keep up the great work! thank you for the words of encouragement on my blog, it was nice to see when I finally went to post my first face at 5am after pulling an all nighter to finish her lmao.

Anne said...

Adorable! Lost for words....

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh how fun!!! Looking forward to checking out the other faces.

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelle, her face is gorgeous and you are a master of blending that forehead and ears with those big blue eyes!

Unknown said...

I saw this little gal last week, but somehow failed to leave a comment- I LOVE her eyes and the clever idea of "fixing" the ears by turning them into Kangaroo's ears- SO SMART!!!