Saturday, February 4, 2012

29 Faces - Day 4

I feel like the little engine that could... sorta... maybe... puff... puff...
Angel of Love, a Valentine babe crashed to earth is DAY 4... 
Magaly a majorly cool blogger buddy recently said something along the lines of "Sometimes it pays to mix things up. I like your gumbo, luv" Well gumbo is my all time fav food (& I was married in New Orleans & ate it with crab cakes as entree to celebrate) a collection of jeeze louise what's that there throw it in, let it cook, & how's it taste... Anyway, I loved that comment (actually LOVE 'em all, needy ain't I?) & doing this challenge, well it's bringing out my gumbo, bit of this, bit of that... so I love the fact you keep coming back & I keep serving it up LOL, & some babe, are gunna taste better than others, but hell, 29 faces, well... puff... puff ;) 


Unknown said...

This is stunning. Love it. Cheers, Kyles :D

PiaRom said...

your faces are sooooo awesome !!! well look in her eyes ;-)

WrightStuff said...

Oh gosh this is.... this is..... TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Love it so much!

denthe said...

Well, your throwing everything together works really well! I'll be back!

Gloria said...

She's gorgeous, you've layered again and it's wonderful.

adrienne trafford said...

oh i love this - wonderful skin tone and i admire the pinks and the collage

Unknown said...

She seems real! You could design dolls with her image.

Unknown said...

I adore this. I wish you would do a step by step. I can see collaged materials but can't work out what your drawing/painting medium is.

Terrie said...

She's a lovely face, the layers you achieved are just amazing! And those eyes! I'm so impressed that you are tackling this challenge and as I look back over your recent pieces, I'm amazed by your talent. Can't wait to see more of the '29'! Thanks for the visit and encouraging Layers words.

Magic Love Crow said...

Shelle!!! I love her, I love her, I love her!! I want her!! Stunning!!! I love your gumbo ;o) Magaly is so smart with her words, isn't she??? ;o) You were married in New Orleans?? Wow, I learn something new about you all the time! Big Hugs!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Shelle, she is stunning. I missed out on the first and shall go back and check those faces out and await 25 more. Beautiful. Oma Linda

caryn strauss-smith art and design said...

I love this! The eyes are hypnotic! It's totally original. Although static it has a feeling of moving through time in one spot!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love the letters in the background. Off to work on my Day #4 now!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I love the layering, especially the fractures on the right side of the face. I think I could take cosmetic lessons from your faces--love those pink lips!

Fallingladies said...

Wow, i am in awe of these faces! Love the blue one too, i keep going back to look again!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Shelle,
I really am enjoying watching you and your lovely daughter's works♡♡♡
Amazing the way you use and change the basic color. I loved the day2 as well. She is really lively lady!!!
I think it is wonderful to do the same project with your daughter.
Good Luck both of you♬♬♬
Lots of love and hugsto you, xoxo Miyako*

Jenny said...

She is DIVINE Shelle... totally love her...

Jenny x

Ann said...

l-o-v-e New Orleans!!..married there? freaking cool!!!

Angie said...

Wow!! That is really amazing - love your work!

angelself said...

Ooooh! The pink is fab!! Awesome, Shelle =) Kathryn

Magaly Guerrero said...

This is powerful, Shelle. Pink has never looked so defiant and simply beautiful. Her eyes... I couldn't stop staring at them... the angles of her face... those lips, my goodness, and again the eyes. Amazing.

Unknown said...

I really like your texture and color palette!

Anne said...

Love the colours, Love the lips, Love the face......WOW

IrelandBrady said...

Wow! ... This is one captivating image! I love everything about it!

Faye said...

So gorgeous! Just had to come back to see what you had done for day 4. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Virtual Boy said...

Such awesome work, the shading is stunning! Love her pink hair and pink lips~ Mwaha, visiting you makes me even more excited to see what I'll get in the mailbox soon... X3

Keep it up during the rest of this challenge, I know it will be epic~

// - T.W -

donnalouiserodgers said...

maybe art comes from our gut not our heart?

love the softness

that's hot gumbo you have there


Pam Hardy said...

She's so pretty Shelle!

Catherine Denton said...


She's stunning with her bright pink hair and lips in contrast with gorgeous hazel eyes. I'd like more gumbo please. *holds out bowl*

Catherine Denton

Unknown said...

I LOVE all these layers of texture you've used- and all that pink is a gorgeous finishing touch. Wonderful!

Melisa said...

Pink hair love. :)

Anonymous said...

Love, love love this, Shelle! You were married in New Orleans??? My daughter loves that place and I have never been but would love to go for a visit. Of course, I'd love to go to Australia as well. Many many many years ago...when my sister and I were in love with the young Mel Gibson, we used to joke about moving to Australia and finding our own Mel. ;-)

Cameron said...

She is gorgeous, Shelle! Like the fairy companion to your beautiful mermaid in your previous post! Magical!

ilovecuttables said...

I love all of your faces so far, but this one really moves me and it's so powerful!